I always hated growing up how Good Friday was a makeup snow day in school, because living in Indiana, it was inevitably utilized as such. I also hate as an adult that I have to use a vacation day to hold it in reverence. This year, however, is a weird year, I think we can all agree. But the GOOD NEWS is we get to observe today, whether working from home, unemployed, schooling at home, or whatever status quarantine finds you.
Good Friday is the day that The Savior hung on a tree, pierced for our transgressions, and ultimately gave what no one else could give, so that we could find freedom in His name. The price He paid today matters everyday, but I encourage you to take some time today for reflection of what that really means. And if you don’t yet have a relationship with Him, today is a great day to begin one! Because this Easter weekend is a celebration of Him seeking that relationship with you.
We call it Good Friday, even though the events were all but good, yet He holds the victory. Death could not contain Him. He is the one and only Living God. Can you imagine though, how those around Him, who were closest to Him, felt today? How discouraged they must have felt watching Him suffer? Even though He had encouraged them He would rise again, death feels final, and they struggled to believe and recall His promises. How often do I find myself in their shoes? I know He is Jehovah Jireh, my Provider. I know He uses ALL things for good for those who have been called according to His purpose. I know He wants the best for us. I know He has purpose for us in all the uncertainty of #quarantinelife, but when you are in it, in the middle of your battle or storm, in the valley, it can be hard to believe what will come on the other side. But in three days, He rose again. So that we could live forever with Him in eternity.
Today is not the day we celebrate. Today is the day we mourn. And there is a lot of death, literally and figuratively, in our world right now. We are mourning those who have been lost to disease. We are mourning the loss of graduations, senior seasons, jobs, businesses, birthday parties, vacations, weddings, celebrations of life, and time with families. There is a lot of loss. But the GOOD NEWS is He was resurrected. And there will come a time, though we don’t yet know when, the cross has the victory, and our world will come back to life. We will still be mourning the lives lost, but it is also why a relationship with The Savior is more important than ever. Don’t wait. Now is the time to share your life with Him because then we can have full restoration and reunite with Him, and our brothers and sisters in Christ. Now is the time to share why we have certain hope with those who may not yet know Jesus, because we don’t know exactly how long we have. We have to be living every day like there may not be a tomorrow to share, because coronavirus or not, our time on earth is fleeting. Our current situation only magnifies that which is always true.
He rose in three days. Sunday we celebrate the life that comes from knowing Him. But don’t forget that today, He gave His life so we could experience wholeness in Him. We all have sinned and fall short. But this is the ultimate redemption story! In Jesus’ name, we will find resurrection and an empty tomb on Sunday! He loves you, He cares for you, God sacrificed His only Son, Jesus, for you, and He who conquered DEATH and is more than capable, wants to fight your battle for you! He already holds the VICTORY!
Two lines from this song stand out to me today:
“I’m gonna worship through this battle.” & “The God I serve knows only how to triumph.”