ever after emery

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a season passed

Anthropologie jacket [similar] // A&F tee [similar] / jeans [skinny / straight] // Michael Kors sneakers [similar] // Lily & Sparrow ‘It Is Well’ necklace // Uncommon James choker

Does anyone else feel like time has stood still during this? More so in the sense that we haven’t really missed out on any events, haven’t had anything going on, or anything on the calendar to look forward to. The FOMO is just from missing interaction with people and having events. Not that they’re happening and we’re missing out. It feels like time has been on hold. The world has been on hold.

Except winter turned to spring and spring barreled through and now June is over.

A season has passed during this time, while life has been on pause, the world keeps turning at the same rate. A groundhog day but the days have gotten longer and hotter. It’s crazy to realize we have spent a quarter of the year in this state. Here in Ohio things are opening back up, although it’s definitely not returning to a completely “normal” status just yet. But we’re progressing forward. Kind of? A new normal. The juxtaposition of how quickly this summer is flying by has created a bizarre sensation because it also feels like time is standing still.

Do any other introverts (or extroverts too) feel like you’re going to mourn this quiet time at home? I know it’s going to be a huge adjustment for me on the other side. The quality time with my #quaranteam (Cassidy & Winnie, of course) has been so special, and minus the reality for potential contagion of a deadly disease and global pandemic where I recognize so many others are hurting, I am going to look back on this season with fond memories. We are in the depths of an unprecedented time.

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